2016年8月13日 星期六

...daynight... (27.1) / ...日夜... (27.1) --- 2016 Aug

...daynight... (27.1)
2m(H) x 8m(W)
2016 Aug

...日夜... (27.1)
2m(H) x 8m(W)
2016 Aug

《…日夜…》系列自2006年開始,在《…日夜… (20) & (22)》的創作中。思考自身的習慣會否受他人影響或改變時,發現“自身的習慣必然受他人的習慣影響或改變,同樣地這一種影響是互動的"。本作品把這個狀態繼續伸展,《…日夜… (27.1)》是延續《…日夜… (27)》的概念,把二零一四年間所有在特定條件下的早餐、午餐和晚餐的相片展示出來。

“…daynight…” series since 2006, in the development of …daynight… (20) & (22). I pondering whether my habits would be affected or changed by others, I found out that “my habits will surely be affected or changed by other people’s habits, and this relationship is interactive”.
…daynight… (27.1), This work is an extension of the concept, showing photos of all my breakfast, lunch and dinner taken under specific conditions in 2014.

